Thursday, May 26, 2011


Under "Paste Special" is an option to change columns to rows and rows to columns when you copy and paste.

Read Malcolm Gladwell

Risk Optimizer

This ships with @Risk.

It is a program to simultaneously do Monte Carlo and an optimization routine (like Solver).

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

In Regression, More RHS Variables Make Each Estimate Less Sharp

The technical term is multicollinearity.

It's a good thing to start a regression big, but you have to remember to prune it down.

If you don't, what you get is larger standard errors for everything which makes them all look insignificant.

Power Curves Are Common

These are related to Pareto distributions ...

Power curves describe a lot of real world phenomenon like the distribution of talent, and tipping points, and the effects of advertising.

N.B. Go read Malcolm Gladwell's The Tipping Point.

Deterministic vs. Stochastic Models

Most Excel models are determinimstic: the inputs don't fluctuate, so the outputs don't either.

But in the real world they both do.

Old School: using scenario manager to vary inputs, or doing it by hand.

New School: use Monte Carlo add-ons like @Risk or Crystal Ball to automate and keep track of simulations that generate probability distributions of outcomes.

@Risk Might be Worth Buying

Monte Carlo Simulation

Use these to delineate what outcomes are possible and which are not possible.

=Or() Statements

Use these to yield "True" only if every argument is satisfied.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Standardize the Form of Your Models for Solver

Solver doesn't require you to set up your model in any particular way ... but a user is going to have to input target/objective, changing cells/decisions, and constraints, and should be able to find them easily.

How to Evaluate Your Regression Overall

Look at "significance F". This is a p-value for the whole regression, and should be below 0.05.

Regression Modelling Strategy

Old School: start with one X, and add them one by one until happy with the regression. Con: the smaller models that you're building on are probably biased, and may lead you in the wrong direction.

New School: start with all (your available) X's, and delete them one by one until happy with the regression. Con: when you start out your model looks like junk, and may continue to look like junk for a long time as you prune it.

Dr. Tufte prefers the latter method. The risks of omitting variables tend to be worse than those of including irrelevant ones ... so I lean towards using the extra computing power required by the New School method.

Neither method solves the problem of what variable to add/cut first, or whether to do them in groups or one by one.

Better Understanding of Regression Output

Luke learned more about interpreting t-ratios, p-values, r-squared, and adjusted R-squared.

Regression Tool

1) It has most of what you need.
2) It includes stuff you may not need, or may use inappropriately.

Solver was Pretty Cool Too

Goal seek is great if you need to find one unknown (as in an algebra problem).

Use Solver when you need to 1) find more than one unknown, or 2) optimize (as in calculus).

Sumproduct Is Pretty Cool

Use this to take multiple products that you want summed up.

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Mean Is Related to the Sum of Squared Deviations (Sum of Squares)

We can calculate deviations (of data) from any value. Then we can square those, and sum them.

The mean is the value that minimizes the sum of squared deviations.

Solver Is an Add-On that Can Solve a Problem for Many Unknowns

Solver is like Goal Seek on steroids.

Statistical Tests

There are 4 types of tests (all easy to construct in Excel).

We do two: Wald tests, and likelihood ratio tests.

All Wald tests are constructed by taking the difference between what we observe and what we hypothesize, and dividing that by a "ruler": the standard error. If the result is "big", we know we've found something.

Maximum likelihood tests are usually known at this level as F or chi-square tests.

Relating Variables with Best Fit Lines

No relationship from X to Y corresponds to a line with zero slope.

Some relationship from X to Y corresponds to a line with non-zero slope.

N.B. When we do regressions, we assume causality goes from X to Y.

Data Has Moments

Moments are powers of the data.

They can be non-central or centralized (around the mean).

The reason for calculating moments, is that they are the unifying calculation for mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis, sum of squares, and standard deviations.

These are easy to do in a spreadsheet.

Stocks Have Fat Tails

We commonly say stock returns have "fat" tails.

This isn't really true. The distribution has long tails, and broad shoulders, but not really fat tails.


Easier to calculate than you may think.

Leptokurtosis (excess) is common in financial and economic data. It means that there are too many observations that are not in the center of the distribution, without being way out in the tails either.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Choose Confidence Intervals or Hypothesis Tests, but Not Both

Confidence intervals and hypothesis tests use the same pieces of information in different ways.

Doing both might make you think you're getting twice as many results, but you're really getting the same result stated two different ways.

This is scientism.

You're Not Alone: Everyone's Statistics Understanding Falls Apart Half Way Through the First Semester

The reason is that you spend the first half learning about different distributions, and you miss that the central limit theorem implies that you only need a small handful when you start working with (some) summary-statistics-about-the-sample instead of the whole sample.

The Distribution of Averages Is Different (and Better) than the Distribution of Samples

This is the central limit theorem.

Break-Even Analysis

Using Goal Seek is easier than a calculator.

Pivot Tables

Advanced Filtering with "Ors"

Excel can't do "ors" for filtering unless you do advanced filtering with a criteria.

The Sound of Popcorn Popping Is the Central Limit Theorem

Microwave popcorn works (and many other things work) because their behavior is explained by the Central Limit Theorem.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Excel Is the Second Best Tool for Everything

Including databases (no, lists!)

Excel Can Operate as a Primitive Database

Many times we keep data in Excel that really ought to be in a database program.

Excel has tools for dealing with this: sorting, filtering, pivot tables, and so on.

Goal Seek

Goal seek allows you to solve for an unknown value in your spreadsheet such that it causes some other cell to take on a specific value. We introduced this for break-even analysis, and then used it to calculate internal rate of return.

Scenario Manager

You can keep track of sets of inputs as a group, that you can swap in and out with other sets of inputs.


I'm doing scientism!

Scientism is using a surface veneer of numbers, jargon, and scientific sounding claims to do something that isn't really science ... basically, you're hoping to shut down discussion by making people think you have serious/hard science backing you up.

Funny chart.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

You Can Track Changes In Your Spreadsheets

Dr. Tufte used "track changes" to keep track of the edits that each of us made to each others' exams during rotations.

Show All Formulas with CTRL-~

CTRL-~ will show all formulas. F2 will show just one.

Use the Formula Evaluation Tool

The formula evaluation tool will break down your (more complex) formula into single steps, so that you can find the one that is the problem.

You Can Name Ranges as Opposed to Cells

If all information in a column (or row) comes from the same data source, you can name the entire column (or row). This makes doing averages, sums, and so on, easier.

Table of Contents for Workbooks

Why not make one sheet the Table of Contents for a multi-sheet workbook? You can use hyperlinks to make this more functional.


You can use hyperlinks inside a spreadsheet to navigate from one sheet or cell to another.

Trace Precedents and Trace Descendents

For checking formulas, on the Formula tab of the ribbon, are 2 tools to trace how a formula is related to other cells.

Don't Always Protect Your Sheet

It's very common to protect more cells than is appropriate, and interfere with the ability of users to use your spreadsheet at all.

Protect Your Sheet

If downstream users will be using your spreadsheet, protect them with a password, and lock or hide cells as appropriate.

P.S. Every cell is locked by default, so as soon as you set a password, that lock becomes effective.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sometimes Less Is More

You don't have to use every tool you know in every spreadsheet to get a decent working answer.

Better Organized Input Areas Help Users

Knowing where to input new values is helpful.

=if() Statements

If statements are a flexible way to get either/or information in your cells.

HLookup and VLookup

These are useful for pulling up repetitive results for use in other spots.

Table of Contents

For multiple worksheet workbooks, a table of contents on one worksheet may help.

Influence Charts

These can help you design your spreadsheet before you write it.

Subtotal Is Useful

=Subtotal() does subtotalling like you'd do by hand, unlike =sum(), in that it doesn't double-count earlier subtotals.

It also has a lot of extra functionality besides summing.

R1C1 Addressing

Conventionally, we label cells in Excel by their column letter and row number. This works great for most situations.

But, it works poorly if we have formulas in different cells that are repetitive; especially if they mix absolute and relative addresses.

Excel has an alternative addressing scheme for this, that you can turn on through the Formulas tab on the Option menu under "File" on the ribbon. It's called R1C1. R1C1 addresses state all formulas in terms of rows or columns from the current position. This is extremely useful for repetitive formulas becuase oftentimes you are referencing cells that are the same number of rows and columns from the cell where the formula is: so that all the formulas look just about the same.

Cells Can Have (Plain English) Names

Formulas can be hard to understand if they are written in terms of cell addresses.

You can give any cell a more natural name using the Name Manager under the Formulas tab of the ribbon.

You can also name ranges. A set of contiguous cells is called a range in Excel.

I didn't cover this in class. But, an example of where I use this is in my gradebooks. I might put all the exam scores for a large class in AC11.AC65. If I highlight that range and call it Exam, then when I want a class average I can type average(exam) instead of average(AC11.AC65). It's less cumbersome, and there's less room for error.

Save Macros Into Templates

Any macro you write (to save time) can be included in a template you use to create new files so that it is there when you need it.

Make and Use Templates

You can, and should, create a template for everyday use (and for any other repetitive type of file you create).

A template is a "base" file that contains whatever you think you'll need when you create a new files. Some ideas are 1) a font choice, 2) an appropriate number of blank sheets, 3) any macros you may need, and 4) the buttons on the Quick Launch Toolbar that you like.

Comments that Aren't Comments

Regular comments can be viewed by anyone: both the developer and the user of the spreadsheet.

You can make a comment that is much harder for someone else to read by putting
+n("Your comment here.")
after the formula in that cell. This comment won't show at all unless someone edits your formula.

Use Controls to Govern Users' Input

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Work Top to Bottom, and Left to Right

Group Inputs and Outputs Together

Inputs certainly at the top.

Outputs either at the bottom, or both at the bottom and at the top.

Label! Label! Label!

Label as much as you can inside your spreadsheet.

Break Formulas Into Smaller Pieces (Modularization)

Try to make every formula result simple enough so that you can check it by eye or by hand.

No Numbers In Formulas

Do not bury a number inside a cell with a formula (a constant might be OK).

Instead, put the number in its own cell, and reference it in the formula with a cell address.

Use Colors

For whatever reason, colors work!

Use subtle colors.


Collaborate with others too!

Make a Rough Draft

Try and do a rough draft on paper if you're doing a complex spreadsheet.

Choose Your Font Like You Care

Consolas ships with Windows Vista and 7 and is designed for spreadsheets.

Keep It Simple